Welcome to the Western Province Provincial Cooperative Employees Commission web site.
The Commission has been established according to the powers vested under the Statute of the Cooperative Employees commission, Western Province no. 01 of 1994 under Section 17.4 of the 13th Constitution, to administrate and regulate the administrative functions relating to the employees who are employed in the Co-operative Societies within the Western Province and to act as an Appeal Court regarding appeals made by the employees.
Creating a dedicated, satisfactory Cooperative work community for an efficient service.
Operating the institutional resources sustainably within a legal framework conforming a good governance in order to perform appointments, transfers and promotions, taking disciplinary actions and maintaining the affairs that assign to salaries and allowances of the employees of the Western Provincial Co-operative Societies at an optimum level.
The chanting of blessings (Seth Pirith) conducted for the commencement of official duties in the New Year 2025.